Are you looking for change of use extensions architects in London? Our RIBA local architect services works throughout Hounslow, Twickenham, Richmond, Kingston Upon Thames, Teddington And Throughout London.
Change of Use Services
Anyone looking to extend your current premises or adapt them may look no further than Trimble Architects. We have a spectacular team of specialists with extensive experience working on Change of Use projects throughout London, working with many professionals and property owners throughout Twickenham and South London.

Our talented architects will work with you closely to ensure your London corporation or residential property designs and ideas are entirely fulfilled and that all aspects sit perfectly within the bounds of your budget. We ensure that your residence or business has enough space to grow and feel inhabitable.
Trimble Architects has excellent experts that know all about applying for Change of Use, navigating the necessary building regulations and how to go about getting the planning permission you require in London.
Our services will ensure the proposal process with your local planning authority is as efficient and smooth-running as physically possible so that you can start your conversion with all the right builders, materials and specialists for the job.
Professionals on board can successfully generate 3D graphic visualisations that you will have access to so that you can get a clear visual depiction of the proposed changes you wish to make.
These 3D models and graphics are perfect for displaying to local authorities and planning departments when striving for planning and building approval. For further details, please get in touch today, and our professional Architects will provide you with a free quote and any advice you require regarding your project floor plans, square metres and desired drawings.
Do I need planning permission for a change of use?
For example, for those that have purchased any premises that were once A3 class restaurants and you desire to convert them into an A1 class hairdresser, you likely don't require formal planning permission as this is a conversion that falls directly under the General Permitted Development Order.
On the other hand, for those with an A1 class shop who wish to convert it into an A3 class restaurant, you will likely require planning permission. Primarily if the changes occur in significant areas such as the high streets or places where large communities visit.
However, suppose you intend to change between classes, such as turning a hotel into a large office block building. In that case, we highly recommend seeking consent by sending a planning application to your local council or planning consultants. Once you've gained prior approval, you can return to your project's construction schedule.
What is the Change of Use-classes?
Each property in the UK fits into a specific 'Class' category, whether residential or commercial properties and these classes help decipher what you can utilise your property for.
For example, some properties are all grouped, catering to public services, the food industry, office workers, temporary residences, and more. For those looking to change the overall class of your existing property, you will often require planning permission before you begin building.
However, this isn't always the case, so we recommend contacting your local councils and authorities anyway to ensure. Contact us today using the necessary details available on our websites, such as our email address, phone number and contact form.
We've compiled a brief list of the different types of classes:
Class A 1-5 + AA
Financial and Professional services Restaurants and cafes Drinking establishments Hot food takeaways Drinking establishments with food |
Class B
General Industrial Storage or distribution |
Class C
Residentials Institutions Secure residential institutions Dwelling/Single House |
Class D
Non-residential institutions
Assembly and levels |
Class E
Commercial, Business and Services
Class F
Local Community and Learning
Sui Generis
Your local London planning office is the one to decide the class that your specific premises belong to, and its class will typically dictate whether you require planning permission.
Converting to flats

An excellent way of making way is to convert an existing property into a block of flats and rent them out to those in your village, city or town centres.
The government has set house prices across the UK increasingly high, especially in capital cities like London. It's currently very challenging to secure a home for yourself, yet there are some areas where you can aim to find relatively low property prices.
For those planning to convert homes or other buildings into flats, you will require some planning permission. However, some significant exceptions exist, including those wishing to convert two separate flats with less than six individuals.
If this is the case, you may be allowed to continue your project's construction under the new Permitted Development rights, yet before persisting, we recommend checking with your architect. Be wary that the measures you take comply with all necessary building regulations; otherwise, authorities could remove permitted development rights.
Building regulations for converting to flats
Each home or property owner must comply with a host of strict building regulations when working on a new build, extension architecture or conversion project.
The process is never simple, yet it's paramount that you follow it. Fire regulations are an aspect to follow, and they are far more stringent when converting a building into flats instead of other dwellings. It would be best to consider egress windows, fire doors and fire-resistant coatings across specific walls, as these are all preventative methods.

Another interesting factor you may forget is how sound travels in your flats. Flats are blocks with numerous rooms and multiple occupants; therefore, you want to ensure that the internal walls are sound-resistant so that those lying in bed in one flat cannot hear those snoring in another.
Services like electricity, water, gas and sanitation will usually need to be separately delivered to ensure your billing is legal and fair. There are plenty of rules on how best these can be installed and implemented. Once all necessary boxes and pipeworks are in, a gas safe registered engineer to inspect your appliances and certify them as safe to use.
It's essential to ensure that you make the most of each space in your new flats to verify that they are all inhabitable and sought after by various customers and potential future tenants. In doing so, you can guarantee the monthly charge will be increased yet also reduce tenant churn, which is the cost of moving and installing tenants in your new flat block.
Finding tenants for your flat conversion can be quite an expensive ordeal, and those you come across as potential residents may not be adequate or worth keeping in-house. For further insight, we recommend working closely with a professional architect for guidance and support as they can design the relevant flat layout to maximise the future income.
Will Change of Use add property value?

A 'Change of Use' is an excellent way for property owners to garner the most profits for the building they've invested in.
Trimble Architects have the skills and talents to help aid your vision and bring it to life in the most precise way possible for those searching to make substantial residential or commercial developments.
Those on our team are planning system experts, and we must ensure our clients make the most of their property investments without too many limitations.
In making alterations to the use or class of your property, especially after long periods of receiving no investments or rentals, you can renovate your building completely and possibly entertain more investments, customers or tenants.
For those changing the commercial use, it may be a significant opportunity to re-brand and garner more customers. Turning buildings into residential properties like blocks of flats may create more much-needed housing for the local area, boosting the overall value.
Trimble Architects
Based in Twickenham
South West London

Contact Us
If you require help and advice from our change of use extensions architects get in touch today. Trimble Architects are based in Twickenham and work across south-west London.
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